Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Video games

I'm terrified of video games. Consider how far CGI have come in the last decade. How long before they're indistinguishable from reality proper? And when that day comes, how many of us will opt to become brains in vats? Judging from the number who, even now, effectively already have, I suspect a great many; maybe most of us, or eventually virtually all. We'll drown in a digital deluge.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

no title

Beautiful women rule the world. Always have, always will. You might as well complain about the weather.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Science

Last month, according to New Scientist, a Dutch research organization "demonstrated a new type of wireless body network" whose system converts "ultra-low-power electrocardiogram sensors into wireless nodes," permitting the transmission of "physiological data to a hub." The article is entitled "Body organs can send status updates on your cell phone."

Soon, our hearts will have their "very own IP addresses."

It may be--and I do mean this sincerely--that, in the short or long terms, the benefits of humanity's steady transformation into cyborgs will ultimately outweigh their costs. It may also be that future historians (if there are any) will look back at Ted Kaczynski and conclude that the rest of us were crazy.

For the moment, I reserve judgement.